Oh how I love my industrial sewing machine

After many years of sewing I decided it was time to take the plunge and get an industrial sewing machine. I had of course used them over the years but I had never had the pleasure of owning one myself. When the time came to get my machine I started doing research on the internet. Ever heard the saying buy once, cry once? Well I wanted to avoid the crying all together and just get the right machine from the beginning so that I was ready to hop in and get to work the day I brought it home. You don’t necessarily buy an industrial for all of it’s bells and whistles, you buy one because they are work horses that can do one task but do it really well and really fast.

I’m glad I looked online but when it came time to purchase I choose to purchase my machine through our local sewing machine dealer. It was so much more personal, and he save me from overspending on things I really didn’t need. Also he is a repair shop and they come out an service your machine once a year at your location. It just doesn’t get any better than getting a great machine at a great price that I will work on for many years.

industrial sewing machine with grafics

I must admit it took me a little while to get accustomed to the speed of the presser foot. If I were to push down too hard I could see my hair blow back and I had just sewn a yard in 4 seconds. That’s why I was sure to practice with projects that were for fun and not very technical. I got really comfortable with the machine over time and now I can go from warp speed to a slow crawl with just a tilt of my foot. In fact if I ever do sew on my old home machine for some reason my right knee keeps swinging out every time I need my presser foot lifted. I don’t think I could or should ever go back I just look at my home machines as different tools for different jobs. There’s a lot of information out there should you choose to go the route of an industrial, but nothing beats talking to a person face to face and knowing you have made the right choice.

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